Main Things

Introduction To SOTT

Now, you may be asking yourself something along the lines of “What the heck is SOTT?”, and to your very valid question I’ll say:

It’s quite simple really, SOTT (or State Of The Thing) is a blog which delves into what has happened with the Eludris community since the last SOTT, it is supposed to be released somewhere around the end of every month so stay tuned for it I suppose, I can assure you you will not regret it probably.


After a several month long stalemate with the GitHub commit counter being stuck at 69 noice commits and us eventually giving up on a glitch in the matrix changing it, we’ve finally started working on Eludris again!

Over the last half a month-ish we have made Eludris dockerize, improved the gateway and added simple ratelimiting for it and sketched up a new fully fledged microservice driven restructure which you’ll hopefully hear about next month.

On other less nerdy news, thanks to the docker pr we @ooliver1 has gracefully hosted an Eludris instance over at (Thanks olivier) which has led to a chain reaction of occurrences, from the Eludris discord server suddenly growing,, pilfer (official TUI) and @teaishealthy’s flutter client being made, and pydris getting created, @ooliver1 adding a Discord <—> Eludris bridge to Thang and an unprecedented amount of shitposting, shenanigans and DOSing occurring.

If you didn’t notice, this means that you can use Eludris right now, just install pilfer and you’ll be set, what are you waiting for? go do it now.

Now that you’ve sent your very first Eludris messages, let’s see what also happened this month.


Eludris has also stared working on a new project, Cognite.

Here’s a summary of what it is from the file:

🚀 A simple blazingly fast language agnostic microservice driven Discord bot framework made in rust that leverages Apache Kafka and KeyDB to take care of the gateway and caching leaving the handling for you to do in your preferred programming language with toolings to help you bring in your preferred Database of choice and presets is some languages to help you get started.”

If you think that that sounds amazing then you’re absolutely correct!

This allows bot developers to make bots in their preferred languages without worrying as much about performance, gateway or caching.

It also allows the use of multiple languages for one bot and splitting every main section into small parts which helps maintainability.

Eludris™️ will hopefully deliver official cognite wrappers very soon to facilitate making bots with Cognite even more!

Other Things

Among us the plethora of other stuff that happened this month we also got:

  • awesome-eludris: A repository where you can share all your Eludris related creations.
  • elusite: The website you’re on right now, made using Astro.js.


That was a pretty eventful 2 weeks for what was absolutely dead just a while ago.

As anything Eludris related if you have any improvements or edits you can make to this website and blog make sure to make a pr and we will check it out.

That’s all for this month’s SOTT, hope you have a great month and until next time!

- Enoki & The @Eludris team.